It Allows Users to keep track of Sales Meeting/Travel expenses and claims. Bodhtree’s Expense Management Solution provides a hassle free way for managers and users alike to keep a track of their expenses and claims that they have filed vs approved expenses on a single platform, ensuring compliance with HR & Travel Policies.
- Ensure 100% Compliance, every Time with Policy Checks
- Speed up the process of Claims and Reimbursements
- Visibility and status updates on claims.
- Digitized Expense Reports on weekly, monthly, yearly basis
- Single Platform simplifies process of claims.
- Reporting on User Wise Expense Claimed vs Approved.
- Enables employees to submit travel claims from a phone or a tablet.
- Empower Managers / Admins to quickly approve the claims online.
- Set up policies grade wise, city wise, countywide, department wise etc. Policy Notification encourages users and managers to take corrective action.