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Analytics to Predict Customer Behavior

Analytics and Big Data have become vital tools for organizations to predict customer behavior and drive loyalty. The data that you require to derive true customer insights resides in disparate systems and sources within your organization.

Bodhtree enables you to integrate your data sources, examine trends and patterns, and derive actionable insights from your customer data.

Use Case: Increasing customer lifetime and revenue for a large toy manufacturer

Bodhtree implemented a complete big data analytics topology for a large toy manufacturer to enable improved understanding of customer preferences and buying habits; the process involved the following steps:

  • An assessment study to identify all stakeholders and determine the firm’s readiness and suitability to adopt Big Data
  • Identified business use cases where big data could be a game changer, aligned them to their strategic priorities, illustrated a roadmap for future and clearly defined business benefits
  • Prioritized and selected a use case for improving the customer revenue based on their past behavior; this included:
    • Value based customer segmentation
    • Definition and implementation of 5 KPIs (Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), Drop Rate, Retention Rate, Tie Ratio)
    • Definition of a statistical model to accurately predict the CLV values for a segment of customers
  • Implemented a visualization toolkit for modelling customer behavior and the KPIs of interest
  • Implemented an end-to-end solution spanning data extraction from multiple sources, normalization, storage, analysis and visualization using advanced tools and techniques

With this solution, our client could visualize their customer data in multiple ways and uncover insights that enables them to make faster and fact-based decisions to increase customer lifetime and revenue